Sometimes bad things just happens and you can’t do anything about it, but now with the advancement in technology bad things still happens but now we can do something about it. I had to buy gifts for my family members, but unfortunately I got fever and I am having flue and very bad headache as well. If I was at this condition a decade ago then I would be doomed because I can’t go to shop in this condition; it was even difficult to see a doctor.
First I had planned that I will myself go to store and buy the gifts myself because I like going out to have little outing and get break from daily routine, but now it’s time for Plan B. i.e., shopping online. I mostly buy things online because of two reasons, first being, I hardly find time out of busy routine to go to market and second, well because I am always online.

Online Shopping is similar to traditional shopping, you have to be very careful about the things you are purchasing, in this time the buyer has to remain aware about the prices of products and their quality. Brand loyalty is a good thing but if you try not to remain biased to one brand then you may get better product at lower price, I always do that because I am not a brand loyal.
Coming back to the situation, I had to buy gifts online because of my illness. I already knew which items to buy, so I Google them, the renowned sites like Amazon, etc were offering that products, the prices looks good to me, I was ready to make a buying decision then I thought may be another store can offer this product at different price so I went to next online shopping site the same product was there but price was a dollar less ( I don’t remember the name of that site). I thought may be I can save some more dollars by visiting another site, I went to Google’s main page again and there were almost 10 links of different sites there and some thousands other sites in different pages, and I said, "O!Man!!", this will take all night and I was feeling sick as well.
I was thinking what to do whether to buy that gift or search other sites, then I don’t know why I checked my Spam email and there was a Spam email (I hate Spams), but in this one, the message was “compare prices of different products online“. I thought really and they will ask credit card no. and bla! bla! bla!! then I thought lets see whats in it any way I will delete it eventually. When I opened the mail I said, "No way!!" I got what I was looking for it was a website which was offering the service of price comparison. So I went to that site and on search query box there I wrote the product name I was planning to buy, it showed different items and some related items as well. And I saw my desired product there I was very happy because the price range was $19 to $49 … I was surprised I thought no way, so clicked on the tab and I saw that 9 stores were offering the same product at different prices, the lowest price was offered at wholesale basis. But some stores were offering the same product without tax and shipping and there prices were low …So I got that product at $34.95 two stores were offering that price other were offering higher. I forgot to mention that I was looking for iPad Candy Shell Case. I have booked the order and hopefully I will receive it very soon..!!!
I forget to mention the site of spam email was, I have book mark it for now..
A SPAM MAIL and Online Shopping Site saved my day.. now I can rest tonight, will do more shopping tomorrow.!! this flue is getting on my head.. :(
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